Access Keys:

St Columba's Primary School, Newbuildings Derry



Reception Class Admissions:

St Columba’s PS admit pupils aged 4 to their reception class provision and this is part of their pre-school year.  The reception children follow the pre-school curriculum and have access to a wide range of nursery activities and learning.  We do not operate a staggered intake and all children start on their first day of school staying from 9am until 2pm and adjustments are made to this with individual parents if it is not suited to the child’s needs or there are issues with the child settling but we rarely have to reduce the school day as most children are well ready for the school routine with many already attending crèche or other pre-school groups before starting school.  Reception children can also avail of the after school provision should they wish to and stay for clubs from 2pm -3pm daily.  To apply for a place in our reception class please complete the online application available at usually open during the month of January each year for enrolment in the following September.

P1 Admissions

P1 children apply for their school place using the EANI online portal, however children who have attended our reception class do not have to reapply for P1 and can simply transfer into the primary school with their classmates and peers.  Since the majority of children have already attended the reception class we do not need to stagger the intake for P1 and children stay from 9am – 2pm from the beginning of the term.  Parents can avail of the after school provision from 2pm-3pm daily for their child/ren and also the early drop off with school being open for supervision from 8.30am daily.  The children follow the NI Curriculum and enjoy the balance of work and play in our foundations area with a wide range of facilities both indoors and outside.

Admissions to the school P2-P7

The school currently has some limited capacity in other year groups across the school from P2-P7 and parents can contact the school to arrange a visit or discuss changing schools if they are new to the area or wish to change their child’s school for any other reason.    Parents can consult with the school principal to see if space is available for their child and compete the AP1 form and return to the school with a copy of their child’s birth certificate.