Parents we would like to remind you that the school have a NO Nuts and NO Kiwi policy due to children's allergies within the school. We aim to protect the students in the school who have allergies which can in some cases be very severe and be life-threatening. We would like to remind you that we all have a part to play in minimizing the risks to these pupils by not sending in
- Any Nuts or Nut products
- Any Kiwi or products that contain Kiwi (including drinks)
- Chocolate spread or Peanut Butter
- Sauces containing nuts such as satay or pesto
- Cereal or Granola Bars
- Products which may have been made in a factory where nuts or kiwi are used.
This list is not exhaustive so please check packaging carefully. We know this is an additional thing to do when preparing snacks and lunch for your child but we know you understand the importance of this for our children who suffer with allergies. Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping everyone safe!
St Columba's Primary School, 2 Duncastle Road, Newbuildings Derry BT472QS
Telephone: (028) 71 347190