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St Columba's Primary School, Newbuildings Derry

Homework Policy Questionnaire

16th Sep 2024
The Staff and Governors of St Columba's PS are undertaking a review of our whole school Homework Policy by the end of the first term of school.   In order to inform our planning we are aiming to collect the views of our whole school community, Governors, Staff, Pupils and of course you the parents.  As I am sure you will understand homework can be a complex issue due to the wide range of opinions and views of what it should look like for our own children and what is appropriate for the various ages and stages across the primary school.  Throughout the process of reviewing this policy we will be seeking the thoughts and views of everyone to inform the Governors and Staff about what our school community view as appropriate, important and effective in the delivery of homework provision.  It will be incredibly hard to suit everyone, however this data will help us formulate a policy that takes everyone's views into account.  As a school community we greatly value the important  home school link that homework provides and the ability regular homework has to keep parents informed of what their child is learning and how they are managing their work.  With this in mind we would like you to take some time to complete this short survey to give us your feedback.  Please complete the responses by Friday 20th September 2024.  Thank you in advance for your feedback.  The link to the questionnaire is being sent via the Schools NI App.