Good Luck to Our P7 Pupils who receive exam results tomorrow
Boys and girls we know how hard you have all worked for your SEAG exams and tomorrow you will receive a score for your efforts. We know that you are all happy it is over and hope you all are happy with what you achieve, but we want to remind you that you are much more than the score you receive in the post. This little poem reflects that you are so much more, each one of you special and unique with so much to offer your new school in September and the world beyond your time at school. There is also a video shared regarding SATs in England but just as relevant to our SEAG exam results today. Whatever the result enjoy your day, have fun with your friends, play that football match, eat ice-cream, watch a movie, do what makes you happy because your happiness is a much bigger priority for you and those who love and support you than a test score any day of the week!
So Much More
By B. Banks
You, dear child, are so much more,
Than a number, a percentage, a level or score,
You’re a brilliant artist painting a scene,
A wonderful poet describing a dream.
An author creating mystery and surprise,
A rugby player scoring a hat trick of tries,
A chorister singing a beautiful song,
A mathematician who is rarely wrong.
A sailor sailing away in a boat,
A musician hitting the perfect note,
An athlete winning the medal of gold,
A fearless adventurer so brave and so bold.
The list is long, and I could go on,
You really are a talented one,
Your tests are important but be in no doubt,
They do not define what you are about.
You see dear child, you are so much more,
Than a number, a percentage, a level or score.
St Columba's Primary School, 2 Duncastle Road, Newbuildings Derry BT472QS
Telephone: (028) 71 347190