Community Links

Our school has many community links within the village of Newbuildings and the wider Waterside and Derry area.
Children from the school participate in Christmas Carol services in the local community including Newbuildings Independent Methodist Church as well as St Mary’s Oratory Newbuildings and school events.
The children also attend the Friday Lunch Club to entertain Older residents in Newbuildings Community Centre
The children also have contacts with Edgewater Nursing Home to visit older residents and building upon intergenerational links
The Top of the Hill Celtic Football Club support the schools deliver of football during afterschool clubs.
Na Piarsaigh Doire Trasna support the school’s delivery of GAA during PE sessions in school.
There are links with Ardmore Cricket club who offer skills workshops for children in the school and an annual cricket event attended by a range of school from the Derry Strabane Council Area.
The school have very close links with Echo Echo Studios who have delivered many music and drama supports across the school often with an event for parents to showcase their learning in their Echo Echo Studio situated on the City Walls.
St Columba's Primary School, 2 Duncastle Road, Newbuildings Derry BT472QS
Telephone: (028) 71 347190